Advances in outdoor lighting for businesses offer sea turtles and pedestrians protection

Light pollution is an area of concern to conservationists because natural light is a critical component of the survival of Florida’s protected sea turtles. Emerging from the ocean to lay eggs, the turtles are easily thrown off course by artificial light interference from residential and commercial properties along Florida’s coastal communities. Most municipalities and local […]

Exec Q&A: How Florida property owners are cutting operations and maintenance costs

Due to the economic challenges presented by Covid-19, businesses are scrambling for new ways to reduce and forecast operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. The first place businesses usually go to cut costs are materials and excess overhead. While effective short term, product/service quality can be the long-term price. Lighting isn’t usually the first idea on […]

What businesses need to know when comparing LED and high-pressure sodium lights

Think back to mixing primary-color paint in grade school. Remember how mixing in yellow changes white, blue and red? Lighting is no exception. A problem too often overlooked is how the yellow-tinted light of high-pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures, which are typically found lighting streets and some parking lots, impacts your perception of the colors around […]